MM2C Podcast by Ben Alagnam

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19 June 2014

Why You Need to Update Your Adobe Acrobat for FSW?

The FSW Canada application forms are in the Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF format. Once you click the link at the RESOURCES page of my blog, it redirects your browser to a PDF reader.

Some of the forms works well with my reader, but one file is having a problem opening.  It's particularly the IMM0008ENU.

 Have you got this type of screen when you opened one of the FSW application forms?
Problem opening a FSW application form IMM0008ENU.

This means that your browser is not updated.  You need to install the latest PDF Acrobat Reader to your computer system.

I tried to install it in my computer system but when I tried it in Google Chrome, it doesn't work but prompted me to the same display again.

It works when I tried it with the internet explorer.  I'm not sure why it doesn't work with Google Chrome.

For the PDF files that doesn't open with Chrome, I used the IE instead.  If you know the reason why it doesn't open to my Chrome, please leave a comment below. Thanks.

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How much you need to prepare for the applications, visit EXPENSES.

Check on what are the documents you need to prepare and more info on RESOURCES.

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Ben Alagnam - MeMovingToCanada