MM2C Podcast by Ben Alagnam

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28 June 2014

Disclaimer Page

I noticed that there were no views at my Disclaimer Page, which is located at the top of the navigation bar.  This is to remind you that it is the most important page that you should read first.

Reading my blog is the coolest of all because you can earn a lot of knowledge about the Federal Skilled Worker Program of Canada.  But, you must be reminded that I'm not a lawyer, a representative of the Canadian government or a consultant of any agencies for immigration.

My background is in Engineering, it happened that I was able to submit my application to Canada. We have undergone with our my Medical and is waiting for the BIG result, which is the Permanent Residence Visa.

This post is to remind you that everything I had or will answer here is based on my own experience and the knowledge that I gained from the information online.

You should verify three times before you decide to take my advice.  It's a common sense, everything you do in your decisions should be subjected to second opinions or more. This is the same thing as when you have a bad medical condition.

Helping other people is my hobby, this is what I do since the start of my blog in Singapore on 2010, which is  It is all about the life of an Overseas Filipino Worker, which happened to be me.

When I started to file my application to Canada, I realized that I need to record all the procedures that I experienced so people can learn from them also.   This is the best thing that I did because someone, like me, who has no idea about Do It Yourself  application can change the way he thinks about the FSW application procedure.

The goal of this blog is to educate more applicants about the FSW Program and until they will make it to Canada.

If you have any questions regarding this post, you can leave a comment below or email me at

Important: Please read the DISCLAIMER Page

For questions not related to this post, leave a comment at the ASK ME.

If you want to know more about my life in Singapore, visit my blog at

How much you need to prepare for the applications, visit EXPENSES.

Check on what are the documents you need to prepare and more info on RESOURCES.

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Ben Alagnam - MeMovingToCanada